Collection: Copper and Magnetic Cuffs and Bracelets

Our collection of men's copper and magnetic cuffs and bracelets.

Wearing copper, magnetic, and titanium jewellery is often associated with various health benefits:

1. **Copper Jewellery**: Copper is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and joint pain. It is also thought to promote better blood circulation and contribute to overall cardiovascular health. Some people claim that copper jewellery helps in reducing fatigue and improving energy levels.

2. **Magnetic Jewellery**: Magnetic jewellery is popular for its potential to relieve pain, particularly in conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. Magnets are thought to improve blood flow and oxygenation in the body, which may reduce inflammation and promote healing. They are also believed to help with chronic pain management and enhance overall well-being.

3. **Titanium Jewellery**: Titanium is hypoallergenic, making it an excellent choice for people with sensitive skin or metal allergies. It's also lightweight and durable, ensuring comfort during prolonged wear. Some proponents suggest that titanium jewellery can help balance the body's natural energy fields, reduce muscle tension, and improve overall physical performance.

While scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited, many people wear these types of jewellery for their potential benefits and the placebo effect, which can also contribute to a sense of well-being.

8 products
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Two Tone Titanium Double Magnetic Bracelet
Two Tone Titanium Double Magnetic Bracelet
Silver Titanium Double Magnetic Bracelet
Silver Titanium Double Magnetic Bracelet
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Black Titanium Double Magnetic Bracelet
Black Titanium Double Magnetic Bracelet
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Black Titanium Double Magnetic Bracelet
Black Titanium Double Magnetic Bracelet
Copper Bracelet - Tree of Life
Copper Bracelet - Tree of Life
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Slim Copper Magnetic Cuff
Slim Copper Magnetic Cuff
Copper Celtic Magnetic Cuff
Copper Celtic Magnetic Cuff
Copper Bio Magnetic Cuff
Copper Bio Magnetic Cuff